Substance Identity
CAS Number 67762-73-6
Chemical Name Bicyclo[3.1.1]hept-2-ene, 2,6,6-trimethyl-, phosphosulfurized
Type of substance UVCB-organic
Moiety of concern organic
Categorization Results

Meets Government of Canada Categorization Criteria? No
Meets Human Health Categorization Criteria? No
Meets Environmental Criteria for Categorization? No
Persistent (P)? Yes
Bioaccumulative (B)? Uncertain
Inherently Toxic to Aquatic Organisms (iT)? No
DSL Quantity range (tonnes/year) >1T to 1000T

Ecological data supporting decisions

Underlying data regarding persistence

Underlying data regarding Bioaccumulation

Underlying data regarding inherent toxicity to aquatic organisms

Pivotal value for iT (mg/l) 4804.3916

Human Health data supporting decisions
Underlying data regarding potential for exposure

LPE/IPE/GPE Lowest Potential for Exposure (HC Simple Exposure Tool)

Underlying data regarding Previous Assessments

Underlying data regarding Simple Hazard Assessment

Underlying data regarding Complex Hazard Assessment