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Working Party on Connectivity Services and Infrastructures (CSI)
Mr. Balázs Székely   
Mr. Stefan Teufel   
Mr. Antoine Samba   
Mr. Tatsuya Amauchi   
Ms. Ji Hyun Eum   
Mr. Sóstenes Díaz González   
Ms. Claire Lyons   
(United Kingdom)
Ms. Katie Mellinger   
(United States)
Open to all Member countries 
Participation Plan   
Date of creation:
24th March 1988
31st December 2028
Observer (International Organisation):   
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)   

Mandate of the Working Party on Connectivity Services and Infrastructures

I. Objectives

The Working Party on Connectivity Services and Infrastructures (hereafter the “WPCSI”) shall assist the Digital Policy Committee (DPC) by leading the work on connectivity policy and regulation to aim at ubiquitous connectivity at affordable prices through developing connectivity policies, good practices and guidance for communication infrastructures and services and related areas, platforms and applications, based on the promotion of a common understanding of policies.

II. Working Methods

To achieve these objectives, the WPCSI shall:

1.Serve as a forum to promote exchanges of experience and good practices and review global developments in the field of communication infrastructures and connectivity policy and regulation and increase regional and international co-operation in this area.

2.Analyse changing communication market structures, competition, and technological developments in the connectivity ecosystem and their economic and social implications to support the development of connectivity policies and regulation that foster ubiquitous access to high-quality, affordable, secure, and resilient communication infrastructures and services and increase consumer choice. Areas of analysis include, but are not limited to:

a.terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks and technologies, the Internet, network interconnection, communication-related areas such as the Internet-of-Things (IoT), and the convergence of the communication sector with other sectors of the economy.

b.The resilience of connectivity infrastructure, including technical network redundancy and network security.

c.Connectivity divides (e.g. spatial, social). d. The environmental sustainability of communication networks and services, as well as the positive and negative effects of connectivity on the environment.

3.Develop tools for measurement and international comparisons related to connectivity, including affordability.

4.Develop new indicators and statistical methodologies and collect internationally comparable data to improve the evidence base for policy-making in its areas of competence.

5.Analyse international and trade issues in communications and information services, such as international mobile roaming, and promote co-operation in this field.

III. Coordination arrangements

In order to efficiently implement its objectives, the WPCSI shall:

1.Engage with other subsidiary bodies of the DPC to support them with the analysis of connectivity infrastructures and services policy in their specific areas of competence.

2.Maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies within and outside the OECD to ensure complementarity of efforts and effective use of resources.

3.Draw on the views and expertise of Partners, international organisations and non-governmental stakeholders, and work with business, organised labour, civil society, and the Internet technical community within a framework of co-operation that promotes mutual understanding and participation.

The mandate of the Working Party on Connectivity Services and Infrastructures shall remain in force until 31 December 2028.

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