On-Line Guide to OECD Intergovernmental Activity
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Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP)
Mr. Jørgen Abild Andersen   
Mr. Giovanni Tria   
Mr. Hitoshi Aida   
Mr. In-Uk Chung   
Mr. Roger Higginson   
(United Kingdom)
Ms. Doreen McGirr   
(United States)
New Zealand   
Czech Republic   
Slovak Republic   
United Kingdom   
United States   
European Commission   
Regular Observers (Non-Members):   
Russian Federation   
South Africa   
Observers (International Organisations):   
Council of Europe (COE)   
Date of creation:
1st April 1982
31st December 2013

Mandate:   -   Resolution of the Council concerning the Terms of Reference of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy [C(99)13/FINAL]

   -   Mandate extended by Council during its 1078th session on 26 February 2004 [C/M(2004)4 and C(2004)7 and CORR1]

   -   Mandate modified by Council during its 1107th session on 10 March 2005 [C/M(2005)6, Item 68, and C(2005)26]

   -   Mandate extended by Council during its 1187th session on 15 January 2009 [C/M(2009)1, Item 5, and C(2008)209]



Resolution of the Council [C(2008)209]




   Having regard to Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14th December 1960;


   Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;


   Having regard to the Resolution of the Council of 10th March 2005 concerning the Terms of Reference of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy [C(2005)26; C/M(2005)6];


   Having regard to the proposed revision of the mandate of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy [C(2008)209];


   Having regard to the role of the Internet Economy in stimulating global sustainable economic growth and prosperity and to the ever-increasing need for a consultative mechanism within the OECD whereby information, computer and communications policy problems of a national and international nature can be examined by Member countries, in co-operation with non-Members, international organisations and non-governmental stakeholders, as appropriate, and reported to the Council;


   Having regard to the 2008 Seoul Ministerial Declaration for the Future of the Internet Economy [SG(2008)99/FINAL] and to the OECD Report on Shaping Policies for the Future of the Internet Economy which was welcomed by Ministers, and to the leading role to be played by the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy in the follow up to the Seoul Ministerial meeting;




   The Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy has the following mandate:


1.   The Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy shall be responsible for promoting the policy and regulatory environments needed for the expansion of the Internet and information and communications technologies (ICTs) as a driver of innovation, productivity, growth, sustainable development, and social well-being. It will also be responsible for strengthening co-operation in this field between the Member countries and, as appropriate, between Member countries and non-Members.


2.   The Committee shall, in particular, examine policy issues arising from the development and increasing use of the Internet and ICTs, and develop policies to:


   a)   Support innovation, investment, and competition in ICTs and related areas across the economy and society, and encourage creativity in the development and use of the Internet and ICT goods and services as a leading area of innovation;


   b)   Facilitate convergence of digital networks, devices, applications and services, and promote ubiquitous access to ICT networks and services, calling the attention of Member governments to the major implications of such developments;


   c)   Contribute to strengthening the resilience and security of information systems and networks as well as the protection of privacy to enhance trust in the use of Internet and ICT goods and services;


   d)   Foster co-operation among Member countries and facilitate the development, and, as appropriate, the co-ordination of their policies at the national and international levels;


   e)   Promote exchange of experience among Member countries in the information, computer and communication policy areas, including the development of indicators to measure the information society.


3.   The Committee shall determine the strategic orientations of its subsidiary bodies, and receive regular reports from them to ensure the co-ordination of their activities in furthering these orientations.


4.   The Committee shall maintain close working relationships with other relevant bodies within the OECD to ensure complementarity of efforts and effective use of resources. In the conduct of its work, the Committee will also, as appropriate, draw on the views and expertise of non-Members, international organisations and non-governmental stakeholders, and work with business, trade unions, civil society, and the Internet technical community within a framework of co-operation that promotes mutual understanding and participation.


5.   The mandate of the Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy shall remain in force until 31 December 2013.


Version Published On :9th March 2010 and Archived on: 3rd November 2011  
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